Submission Guidelines for Journal of Informatics Education

Article 1. The Journal of Information Education, which is a journal of the Japanese Association for Information Education (hereinafter referred to as "this Association"), has the primary purpose of disclosing the research results of members in order to contribute to the establishment and development of information education.

(Qualifications of contributions)
Article 2. The authors of this manuscript must be members of this association. If there are multiple authors, all authors must be members of this association.

(Submitted manuscript)
Article 3. The types of manuscripts accepted are regular articles, reviews/prospects, and research notes.
2) When preparing the manuscript, authors of submitted papers must follow the "Guidelines for Journal of Informatics Education" of this Association.
3) A manuscript that has been submitted to other academic societies shall not be submitted to this Association. Likewise, manuscripts submitted to this Association shall not be submitted to other societies.
4) Authors of manuscripts submitted to this Association cannot be changed, nor can the submission be withdrawn.

(Submission procedure)
Article 4. The prospective contributor should send an e-mail with the necessary information and the manuscript as an attachment to the address specified by this association.

(Submission reception)
Article 5. Manuscripts that arrive at the Editorial Board will be peer-reviewed. However, manuscripts whose format deviates from the ‘Submission guideline for Journal of Information Education’ of this association will not be accepted.
2) The reception date of a submitted manuscript shall be the date on which the Editorial Board has the manuscript.

(Review of the submitted manuscript)
Article 6. Regular articles and reviews/prospects will be reviewed by multiple reviewers. The review shall be conducted as soon as possible after the submission of the manuscript. After the review, the author may be requested to revise the submitted manuscript. In this case, the deadline for resubmission shall be within 14 days.
2) The research material will be checked by the Editorial Board. The Board may ask the author to revise it as necessary and then decide whether to accept it.

(Publication of the manuscript).
Article 7. Publication of the submitted manuscript shall be decided by the Editorial Board.
2) The accept date of the submitted manuscript shall be the one on which the Editorial Board decides to accept the submitted manuscript.
3) The final responsibility for the published contents shall rest with the author.

(Guidelines for operation)
Article 8. The Editorial Board shall make a decision regarding matters not stipulated in this guideline.

(Revision of guidelines)
Article 9. Amendments to these guidelines shall be completed by the director of the Editorial Board after deliberation by the Board.

Supplementary Provisions

○Journal of Informatics Education
Please review our ethics policies by reading the document linked below.
Ethical Policy: Journal of Informatics Education Publishing Ethics.pdf
Please review our submission policies linked in the document.
Peer Review Policies: Journal of Informatics Education Peer Review Policy.pdf

○Research Report of Informatics Education
Please review our ethics policies by reading the document linked below.
Ethical Policy: Research Report of Informatics Education Publishing Ethics.pdf
Please review our submission policies linked in the document.
Peer Review Policies: Research Report of Informatics Education Peer Review Policy.pdf

○International Journal of Informatics Education
Please review our ethics policies by reading the document linked below.
Ethical Policy: International Journal of Informatics Education Publishing Ethics.pdf
Please review our submission policies linked in the document.
Peer Review Policies: International Journal of Informatics Education Peer Review Policy.pdf

These regulations shall come into force on 1 May 2017.

Manuscript Submission Form